Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Xavier Leroy and Didier Rémy, “Functional programming languages”, 15+18h, M2 (MPRI), Université Paris Diderot, France.

  • Master: Luc Maranget, “Semantics, languages and algorithms for multi-core programming”, 13.5h, M2 (MPRI), Université Paris Diderot, France.

  • Master: “Principles of Programming Languages”, 32h, M1, ENSTA-ParisTech, France.

  • Licence: François Pottier, “Programmation avancée” (INF441), 20h, L3, École Polytechnique, France.

  • Master: François Pottier, “Compilation” (INF564), 20h, M1, École Polytechnique, France.

  • Licence: Michael Rainey and Umut Acar, “Theory and practice of parallel computing” (part of a longer course entitled 15-210, “Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms”), 9h, L3, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

Michel Mauny has been a Professor at ENSTA-ParisTech from August 1st, 2005 to July 31st, 2016. While at ENSTA-ParisTech, Michel Mauny was in charge of the specialization “Architecture and Security of Information Systems” (MSc. 2nd year).

François Pottier has been a Professeur Chargé de Cours at École Polytechnique from September 1st, 2004 to August 31st, 2016.

Didier Rémy is Inria's delegate in the pedagogical team of the MPRI.

Fabrice Le Fessant has been involved in the second edition of the OCaml MOOC on the FUN platform, in coordination with the OCamlPro team in charge of the development of the exercise platform [33].


  • M2 (Master Pro): Jacques-Pascal Deplaix, Epitech, supervised by François Pottier.

  • M2 (MPRI): Ambroise Lafont, École Polytechnique, supervised by Xavier Leroy.

  • PhD: Pierre Halmagrand, “Automated Deduction and Proof Certification for the B Method”  [45], Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, defended December 10, 2016, supervised by David Delahaye, Damien Doligez and Olivier Hermant.

  • PhD: Jacques-Henri Jourdan, “Verasco: a formally verified C static analyzer” [11], Université Paris Diderot, defended May 2016, supervised by Xavier Leroy.

  • PhD: Gabriel Scherer, “Which types have a unique inhabitant?” [12], Université Paris Diderot, defended March 2016, supervised by Didier Rémy.

  • PhD in progress: Vitalii Aksenov, “Parallel Dynamic Algorithms”, Université Paris Diderot, since September 2015, supervised by Umut Acar (co-advised with Anatoly Shalyto, ITMO University of Saint Petersburg, Russia).

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Blanc (ENSTA-ParisTech & OCamlPro), “Analyses de programmes complets, application à OCaml”, Université Paris-Saclay, since February 2014, supervised by Michel Mauny and Pierre Chambart (OCamlPro).

  • PhD in progress: Pierrick Couderc (ENSTA-ParisTech & OCamlPro), “Typage modulaire du langage intermédiaire du compilateur OCaml,” Université Paris-Saclay, since December 2014, supervised by Michel Mauny, Grégoire Henry (OCamlPro) and Fabrice Le Fessant.

  • PhD in progress: Albin Coquereau (ENSTA-ParisTech), “Amélioration de performances pour le solveur SMT Alt-Ergo: conception d'outils d'analyse, optimisations et structures de données efficaces pour OCaml,” Université Paris-Saclay, since October 2015, supervised by Michel Mauny, Sylvain Conchon (LRI, Université Paris-Sud) and Fabrice Le Fessant.

  • PhD in progress: Armaël Guéneau, “Towards Machine-Checked Time Complexity Analyses”, Université Paris Diderot, since September 2016, supervised by Arthur Charguéraud and François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Williams, “Putting Ornaments into practice”, Université Paris Diderot, since September 2014, supervised by Didier Rémy.


François Pottier was a reviewer for the Ph.D. thesis of Benoît Vaugon, Université Paris-Saclay, March 2016. He was a reviewer for the Habilitation of Damien Pous, ENS Lyon, September 2016. He was a member of the jury for the Ph.D. thesis of Léon Gondelman, Université Paris-Saclay, December 2016.

Xavier Leroy was on the Ph.D. committee of Pierre Wilke, Université Rennes 1, November 2016.

Didier Rémy was chair of the Ph.D. committee of Raphaël Cauderlier, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), October 2016.